Version 0.1.1

A Robotics page by Andrew With Machine Learning

  • My Repo

    RC Car hacking/Control

  • Particle Control (discontinued)
  • Particle Control (active)
  • Maker100
  • Particle (Old)
  • Arduino Portentia coding
  • OpenMV save pic to SD

    Artifical Intelligence/Machine Learning

  • Jeremy's machine leanrning website
  • Jeremy's machine leanrning repo
  • programming_demo_stuff
  • Example of edge impulse in a webpage
  • Local example of edge impulse in a webpage
  • lines edge impulse
  • symbol edge impulse
  • Large and Small Battery
  • X Triangle Line

    Machine Learning demos

  • Xor_(simple)
  • Xor_(complicated)
  • Facemesh
  • Hand pose
  • posenet
  • speech commands
  • Bodypix
  • Knn classifier
  • Q and A
  • Voice

    Arduino and portentaH7

  • Edge Impulse
  • Digital
  • portentaH7
  • portentaH7 xor.ino
  • Machine learning on micro-controller
  • Convert Javascript to Ardino
  • I2C Example using the Wire library
  • Getting nano the camera working

    IBM Quantum and Tensorflow

  • ibm quantum
  • tensorflow in javascript
  • main tensorflow
  • ibm quantum cheatsheet

    Camera Arduino Etc.

  • Camera
  • Nano 33 BLE Sense
  • jumper wires

    Notes updates etc.

    April 15 2021

  • Added a couple of links

    Jan 21 2021

  • updated github to include this.
  • Made a rickroll payload using my (not documented) Seeduino XIAO Keyboard attacks.